Wednesday, November 10, 2010

There is no rule that you have to create only one password..

Well, I titled my blog as Daily Library Drama...  Some can be really called "Drama" and some are just plain "Really?  Stuff like that really happen in the library??  Can people be really that dumb???" type...  So it happened this morning...  here is recap!

She: Is there a way to preview for the print jobs I already sent in? (I re-said more eleoquently than what she actually said..)
Me: Unfortunately no...
She: So I have to resend them to make sure to know what I am printing?
Me: Yep!!
She: But it is going to show up on the same que with the rest, and I still won't know what I am printing!!!
Me:.............................................................................................................................. You can always create different password ....................................................................................................
She: Oh...........

There is always first..

Hello, out there....

This is my first blog every since it was created...  Don't know what I am going to do or why I am even doing it the first place...  But many of my colleagues know, I must have a place I can vent...  And I have been enjoying one of my nameless colleague's blog "Crazy Library Shit"

So, although I am not as articulate as she is or say really frankly as she does, but something I can laugh about and if some of my peers can read and laugh with me, then I am happy....

Can't promise it will be everyday but as my Blog title says, Daily Library Drama...  Honestly, there's not one day goes by that not a single drama happenes...  Not necessarily really big thing that gets everyone's attention but more like, "Are you serious??  Are you real???  Seriously??  Wow!!" type of things...  You know what I am saying... 

YES!!  Conversation between patrons and library staff, Librarians, since I am one of them (I still would like to think so although I joing the rank of a Branch Manager, which really is a glorifed Adult Reference Librarian... shish.....), or it could be just plain my thoughts.....

Anywhoo...  Hope you'll enjoy it if you happen to stop by!