Thursday, April 14, 2011

Few Entertaining "Shows" at a Library...


Patron: I need to use Internet. Where are they?
I: You can use one of the three computers for quick 15 minutes access. Or if you need more than that, you can make reservation to use 1 hour or more with your library card using the computer where the young man is using.
Paton: But where is the internet computer?
I: ....................................


Student: I am looking for books on volcano.
I: Is it for school?
Student: No... I need books for homework...

SCENE 3: Observation
It was MySpace that cause much of our headaches at the library with teens misbehaving (laughing out loud, fighting over who's turn to use, read out loud what's on (not very savory)) and now it is Facebook. Conclusion? Not the tool it is the people who use!

More scenes to follow in the future....  Can't really keep up with all those juicy and entertaining shows in the library... ;p