Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to the reality

Well, three days of Conference in SD is over..  Technically still going on, but for me at least...  Wanted to stay one more day, but kind of wanted to have one day to just relax and take care of some things back home....

It was really good to see some of my colleagues who share the same concern/problems/visions in person, at least every 6 months.... 

I ran into two friends at the Exhibit whom I've known for over 10 years but kind of lost touch..  One who moved out of the state and the other I've known outside of the profession also...  I think that is why I keep going to Conference even spending my own money not only to learn and discuss professional concerns but also to meet old friends and to make new ones who understand each other, professional at least at first and eventually blossom into real friendship....

Well, the next one will be in N'awlines, one of my favorite cities....  Very excited...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

San Diego

Drove down to San Diego today for ALA Midwinter Conference. While I was driving, realized that I was on I-5 where the exit to Disneyland is. The happiest place on earth, they say. For me, it holds somewhat mixed and complicated feelings/memories. It is the place I realized I had let my guard down and opened my heart and also the place where I realized I needed to take it back.

It still is one of my favorite place but it maybe quite a while till I can go and have true innocent fun.....

Well, at least I am with friends/colleagues for at least a couple of more days till I go back to reality...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Song I heard....

Today, on the way home, this song came on the radio....  For some reason, it really hit me home...  Know so many incredible ladies put up with "bad" relationship because they only follow their hearts until one moment it just hits them realizing, "you know what? the most important person in this relationship is me, no one else... I should be feeling free and loved and am not.  No matter how hard it is, I am going to take control over me and my life." and decided to move on.

It is not easy, trust me.  Been there done that...  But looking back, I am hoping I made the right decision and hope and wish for the same thing to all those strong and incredible women who made the same decision!

What did this mom think we are????

One of my best staff informed me that a little tiny boy (about 4-5 years old) was jumping up and down the furniture unsupervised.  My branch has a special area reserved for PARENTS and toddler where they can read and play TOGETHER..

So my staff and I went to the innocent little boy and asked where his parents were.  He said clearly "My mom is over there."  So I told him that he need to stay with his mama...  He walked to his mom sulking and fake-cried when he saw his mom on the computer!

She asked something and he mumbled somthing and she stomped over to us asking "Why can't he play here by himself?"

Seriously???  BY HIMSELF??????  At a public place????

But I INFORMED her nicely, "He can play here with you supervising him."

Mom huffed "well, you should've told me!!"

My staff simply said, "There's sign right here, ma'am."

Mom to her son, "Come on!"


Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Bad

Yes...  I indicated my blog title as Daily Library Drama but haven't really wrote anything....  My Bad!!  Well, my excuse? Literally non-stop daily drama, basically same drama with different people, it is bit kind of hard to remember to write about it on my blog as it happens or after it happened... 

But it will be one of my 2011 Resolution to be diligent about it...  It may not be just Library Drama...

Anywhoo...  Until next time when the library reopens!!  Let's see what kind of library drama I will face in 2011....